You see some of her work was not appreciated, harshly criticized and even ignored.

Arguably it was feedback. Some hard core folks will hold steadfastly that it was art.

So understand I am serious when I ask you to give me feedback. I know the sound of feedback may not be considered art or pretty by many people but, I adore it and rarely get any feedback in spite of my constant requests to clients.

rethinkLighter and deeper are important and I love to think I can feel my way into the perfect depth for each person by assessing the tissues but, it isn’t always true. Lighter and deeper are just the beginning of feedback though. I really need to know a few more things. I don’t want to keep you talking but, feedback is important.

I need to know if I am going over a spot that you want me to focus on. I cannot feel everything like you do. Believe me the most frustrating thing during a massage is when you feel the therapist go all around that knot or spot you need them to focus on. You may be surprised I can feel so much or seem to be able to go to the right spot. I cannot guarantee I always can though. So please give me a clue if this is happening.

I want to know if I am boring you. You won’t relax if you are lying there thinking;

“Doesn’t she know any more techniques?”

“How many times is she going to do that stroke?”

“How much longer she is going to work on that shoulder?”

 That isn’t relaxing.

I need to know if there is anything uncomfortable. I am serious. If you are too hot, too cold, if the drape needs to be moved, if you need a drink or need to move around to get more comfortable. If you are uncomfortable nothing I can do will make this a better massage session.

I don’t mind if you ask me a question. I don’t mind explaining what I am doing. I do enjoy it, I just don’t want to muddy the massage session with all my talking. So go ahead and ask away if you want to know.

My feelings will not get hurt. I will not get upset or tell you that I know best and expect you to lay there and take it. I cannot tell you how many people say they didn’t want to hurt their last massage therapist’s feelings by telling them any of these things. Trust me, you needed to say something.  They needed to know. They probably really wanted to know.

Your feedback helps me and any other Massage Therapist give you a better massage session.

Interestingly enough The Plastic Ono Band’s 1973 album was called “Feeling the Space”.

So if you are ready to relax and give me a little feedback please give me a call at 610-906-2322