What happens to your body when you wear high heelsWe are never surprised when someone says their feet hurt.  Feet are the hardest working body parts. A foot massage always feels amazing and surprisingly does not tickle.  We do not do reflexology but, we do foot massage and yes people do have half hour and full hour sessions just for their feet.  What do you do that makes your feet hurt?

High level sports: Skateboarding, Gymnastics, Running

Normal Activities: Biking, Hiking, Shopping, Working, Housework, Stairs

Wearing: High Heels, Flip Flops, Bad fitting shoes

Check out this news story about the extremes some people go to for their feet and pretty shoes!


We are going to tell you right now that you should try a foot massage before surgery.  Can you believe what people go through for their feet?

Let your fingers do the walking and book an appointment now (click here) or call 610-906-2322 or 610-933-3666