Being a massage therapist, one of the most frequent questions we get is “What kind of massage do you do?” The answer that I usually give is “Yes.” Which leads to a bigger discussion – understanding that many people are attached to styles and names more than the fact that a massage at Phoenixville Massage and Bodywork is not your typical massage session. We have a huge skill set – we have studied many different styles of massage, and tailor each session to the individual, and their issues at that time. There is enough misunderstanding about what some massage therapists say they do, and how they work with their clients. In one session last week, a client stated,” When are you going to do Myofascial work?”, to which I replied, “what we are doing right now is Myofascial work – it may not be like what you have experienced in the past, or like  <therapist’s name omitted> did, but it is congruent to my understanding of Myofascial work.  How do you feel this is different?” That led to the client expressing what they were expecting, and allowed the massage to be more “their” massage. There are many different titles and adjectives people use to describe the type of massage or bodywork they do or receive. Communication is the key. We have years of experience and education that afford us the tools to provide you a great massage session.  The truth to the question, “What kind of massage do we do at Phoenixville Massage and Bodywork?“ Yours.

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