• No pain, no gain is a big fat lie!

Some specific techniques, like trigger point and active release may be painful momentarily during the process. The goal is to relieve pain. Not create pain. You should not spend a whole session or even a significant part of it, wincing, flinching, tensing up, crying, biting your lip or tongue or gripping the table until your knuckles are white.

  • It is not just deeper, harder and faster.

Sometimes it is deeper, depending on the situation, injury or the client. Sometimes it is faster, for example; Pre-Event Sports Massage for a 5k. I don’t even know how to grasp how a massage therapist would do a massage harder.  That sounds like assault and battery to me not a massage.

  • It is not just for competitive and pro athletes.

Sure we love to work with the pros but, before they were competitive or pro level they were perhaps younger and/or active and still appropriate for sports massage.

  • It is appropriate for every sport and many other activities.

People that dance, do yoga, bike, hike, zumba or walk around delivering mail all day could be a perfect client for sports massage.

  • It is appropriate for every level of activity.

Each session may be different but, it doesn’t matter if they are a record holding race walker or an older adult that walks at the mall with their friends a couple times a week.
It is for people of all ages. No matter how old you are, if you are active and have pain, reduced range of motion or want to increase your flexibility, level of activity and performance sports massage could help.

  • It is not defined by session length.

What most people are familiar with is the very short sessions.  Sports Massage can typically be   only 15 minutes or less or up to two hours. It depends more on the client and the situation for the timing. Sports Massage at events and with teams will tend to be shorter sessions more often than not. So it may not always be the typical 30, 60, 90 minutes sessions that are commonly offered in most practices.

If you would like to schedule an appointment online please click here or you are welcome to give us a call at 610-906-2322 or 610-933-3666 if you would like to book and appointment or have any questions.