October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I wish every month was every cancer and pathology awareness month. Face it Cancer Sucks!

I am glad my husband and I spent so much time and money getting trained in Lymphatic Drainage, Chronic Pain and Myofascial Release. We are honored to work with all Cancer Patients and Cancer Survivors. Here is a little list for you to see if Massage Therapy and/or Bodywork be appropriate for you. Of course we always encourage people to ask their physician if there is any reason you shouldn’t get a massage.

1. If you have trouble sleeping or feeling fatigued. Massage Therapy Can Improve Sleep is one of the most recent Position Statements approved by The American Massage Therapy Association.

2. If you are feeling depressed you should know that research shows that Massage may help depression in Cancer Patients.

3. If you experience pain. One of the Position Statements of the American Massage Therapy Association is: Massage Therapy Can Aid in Post-Operative Pain. Clients who receive massage therapy report that the experience less cancer-related pain, treatment-related pain and pain due to muscular tension.

4. If you have Lymphadema come see us. We have a lot of experience working successfully with Lymphadema, in the arms of course but, also in the legs and other post-operative situation. Lymphatic Drainage is the premier treatment for Lymphadema. It is affordable and we do always provide education for our clients for self care.

5. If you have lack of range of motion, pain or discomfort due to post-surgical symptoms such as scarring.

Here are a few research links for you, please give us a call at 610-906-2322 if you would like to schedule an appointment or would like more information.

Outcomes for Therapeutic Massage for Hospitalized Cancer Patients

Use of Massage for Oncological Palliative Care Patients

Use of Massage Therapy for Post-Operative Pain Management