“Taking the time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective” – Doe Zantamata

If I had seen this quote before I went on vacation I would have scoffed or just not paid attention to it. Seeing it the last night I will spend in San Diego on my vacation made it so real. We often are so busy we do not take time for ourselves, time to play much less time to do nothing.

I remember when I was a teenager, way before there was a web or even pagers we did nothing. It exasperated our parents. They would ask “what are you doing?”
We would reply “Nothing.”
My mom would inquire “what did you and your girlfriends do last night?”

I would reply “We just hung out.”
Mom would always want more information, “What do you do when you are hanging out?”
I would always just say “Nothing.”

I really meant it too. I have no idea what we did most of the time, I cannot account for that time. I do know that somehow we benefitted from it. Same thing with this vacation. I am not even going to try to account for the time. Nor will I begin to list or regret the things I didn’t do. I am rested. I am looking forward to going home, getting back to work and begin to set goals and accomplish things again.

I highly recommend this doing nothing. I am certain now that I have gotten the hang of it again I will be able to do it again on a more regular basis. I have enjoyed it and benefitted from it. I know you, my clients will benefit from it as well. I am focused, full of new perspectives, ideas, memories, information, appreciation and energy. Just remember that when you book an appointment, you have option of not doing anything for that time.

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