Really people, please talk to your doctor. Your Physician not only wants to know if you are receiving Massage and/or Bodywork, they need to know this. It is not a secret. It is in your best interest to talk to your doctor even before you decide to schedule an appointment.

Christopher and I have had the opportunity to work with and receive referrals from many different physicians over the years. The compliant we hear most often is that Physicians feel, most of their patients do not tell them when they are receiving massages. Why is this happening?

Because some people still believe that the doctors and massage therapists do not play well together. Hey give us chance! You would be surprised.

Some people still think Massage and Bodywork is alternative, magical, inexplicable, not scientific enough or just woo woo. It isn’t. We have research. If you would like us to find and print out research on your particular pathology we will, just ask. Or go visit and have a peek about yourself.

Some people are afraid their physician will tell them not to get a massage. Not likely, except in the rare case that there is a contraindication. Even if there is a contraindication, that doesn’t always mean you cannot get a massage, it may mean you need to get a specific type of massage. This is necessary and will help the physician and your Massage Therapist make certain you are getting what you need.

Physicians will sometimes surprise you and let you know about a Massage and/or Bodywork Therapist that you didn’t know about. One that may specialize in just the type of work you need.

Most often I hear clients say that their physician was not only happy to hear they were getting Massage or Bodywork but, wanted to know more about it. Is it working, what are they doing and who are they seeing. So, please let your Physician know if you are currently receiving Massage and/or Bodywork. Let your Physician know if you are considering scheduling an appointment for Massage and/or Bodywork. And by all means feel free to take a couple of our business cards with you to give to the Physician and Office Manager.